

Jonathan N. Wakeling

When I look back on life I see two things:

Image credit: Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

When I look back on life I see two things: One is a momentary lapse of reason when I was I kid of about the age of thirteen or so. To say the least it was a fundamental turning point in my life and I recall it as if it were yesterday (although I never recalled the date or year). I shall not disclose the details for they infringe on other’s privacy. (Read Sunwhere in Africa in my “Books” section of this site). The other is what came to be called “Black September” or in the Shona translation “Nhema Gunyana” that is September 11th 2010, ten and a half years ago now. Nhema Gunyana was the moment that a “foreign” entity started to talk through my physical body, using my voice, and continues to do so ten and a half years later. It completely changed my view of myself and my place in the world. i.e. as a mental patient.

On the other hand there are moments in the world’s history that I recall: The one being the World Trade Center Attacks of 9/11 and the other being the Paris Attacks of November 13th 2015. 9/11 I saw live on CNN and the Paris Attacks I gleaned from the Internet news at the time. Read the Librarian’s Accounting Museum Version 1.0, (in the “Books” section of this site), which I hurriedly uploaded to the Internet on November 15th 2015 as a direct result of the Paris Attacks – what I call “Sunday, Bloody Sunday”

What can be said about life? I recall another moment from my childhood when I decided that I would become a psychologist – I was toying with the ego attachment that such a profession entails. Little did I know at the time I would succeed in becoming a famous psychologist in my own right – ego or no ego. See my YouTube and Tiktok in the Social Links on Linktree on the homepage of this site. Not to mention “Jona” versus “Jonathan” on my Facebook Profiles.

What I can say about life is “be kind to yourself” and “be kind to others” and this I have tried to live up to throughout my short existence here on Planet Earth. This site is intended to be an Online Campsite – the world’s first Online Campsite. If you wish to advertise it as such feel free to use my hashtag #jnwakeling on social media – or what I call an online invitation. Anyway it is meant to be a place on the vast World Wide Web that people can come and “just chill” and appreciate some art and literature.

Through events on the world stage like 9/11 and the Paris Attacks came the idea of the need for a safe haven online. And in this way came Camp Zero and “The Unforgettable Fire”: Burning Frog Island, Vietnam. Burning Frog was an online point of departure just as Nhema Gunyana before it. This site is Burning Frog Island and Nhema Gunyana all rolled into one “Camp Zero”.

Jargon aside what do I hope to achieve? I am looking for a point of dotcom contact with the Internet as well as a site where people can give and receive. A forum where stories can be shared. And mostly a place to camp. That is the future vision of this site.

However…It’s been a hellva time getting this site to the starting blocks…learning to build a site from scratch, getting recognised on Google (up and running) and Bing (coming in a few weeks) and ironing out site errors. I’m a complete newbie at web design and for your valued information the entire site as it now stands was build by myself, Jonathan, from scratch.

Where to camp Big Tree Harare? Take care friends and remember that this is the only life you have.

love jn 💕